About Us

Welcome to Mixer Truck LTD and we appreciate you taking the time to visit us.

This is a fairly new venture for us, but we are far from new to the truck mixer and ready mix industry.

Between the two of us we have over 35 years worth of experience of running concrete mixers and truck mixer repairs. Our priority is giving our customers a reliable service and the very best value for your money available. 

So with that experience we know first hand the trials and tribulations of operating your own mixer and the importance of keeping the wheels turning so you can keep on earning.

With the demise of Hymix and as operators of Hymix truck mixers. We know all to well the unique set of problems that brings in its self. And as such will be slowly bringing parts online that are notoriously prone to rotting away and may now be difficult to find. 

We look forward to meeting and serving you in the very near future.